Welcome to Techno Valley 


At Techno Valley, we are more than just an IT education and service center. We are a dream realized, a beacon of hope for the people of Zoland, Chin State, and all of Myanmar. Founded on July 17, 2022, by two passionate Zomi women, Dr. Nem Khan Dim and Ms. Niang Sian Hing, our mission is to transform Chin State into a hub of high technology, innovation, and prosperity.

Located in the picturesque landscapes of Zoland, we understand the challenges our people have faced in recent times. The COVID-19 pandemic brought forth unprecedented difficulties, halting the pursuit of education for young individuals across the region. Then, the political unrest stemming from the military coup in February 2021 further compounded the situation, leaving our youth with limited opportunities and uncertain futures.

Chin State has long been among the least developed regions in Myanmar, facing the scarcity of natural resources and industries. However, within these challenges, we see tremendous potential and the urgency to create lasting change. Dr. Nem and Ms. Hing, driven by their unwavering commitment to their homeland and its people, decided to turn their vision into reality by establishing Techno Valley.


  • Our vision is bold yet simple – to make Chin State a hub of technological excellence, unlocking new possibilities for education, innovation, and economic growth.


  • Techno Valley aims to provide a platform for young minds to acquire cutting-edge IT education, empowering them with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the modern world.

Our Services:

  •  IT Education: At Techno Valley, we offer a comprehensive range of IT courses, from basic computer literacy to advanced programming and software development. 
  •  Innovation Hub: We envision Techno Valley as a nurturing ground for innovation and creativity. 
  •  Job Placement Assistance: Our commitment doesn’t end with education. We provide job placement assistance and networking opportunities to connect our graduates with potential employers, both within Myanmar and beyond.
  • Community Engagement: Techno Valley is deeply rooted in the community. We actively engage with local schools, organizations, and governmental bodies to promote technological literacy and create a positive impact on society.

Our Core Values:

  • Excellence: We strive for excellence in everything we do, from the quality of our education to the services we provide to our students and the community.
  • Empowerment: We believe in empowering individuals through education, enabling them to achieve their goals and aspirations.
  • Innovation: Innovation is at the heart of Techno Valley, as we encourage creative thinking and problem-solving to shape a better future.
  • Inclusivity: We embrace diversity and ensure that Techno Valley remains an inclusive space, welcoming people from all backgrounds and walks of life.
  • Social Responsibility: We are committed to making a positive social impact, addressing the challenges faced by our community and contributing to its well-being.

Our Roapmap:



Join us on this exciting journey as we pave the way for a brighter future for the people of Zoland, Chin State, and Myanmar. Together, we can create a Techno Valley that not only thrives in the digital age but also stands as a testament to the strength, resilience, and determination of our people.