Dr. Nem Khan Dim 

Position : Academic Director

Quote :  “As we embrace the power of service, we contribute to a world that is more compassionate, supportive, and united.”


Niang Sian Hing  

Position : Operation Director

Quote : Life is Short Smile while you still have teeth ! 

Pau Sawm Tung 

Position : Lecturer (Tedim)

Subject : A+ and Networking

Quote : “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.”

Cing Lam Lun 

Position : Lecturer (Tedim)

Subject : Data Analytics 

Quote : “The determination of my value does not depend on my knowledge and skills. My only value is to educate people with all my knowledge and skills so that I can be become a better person.”

Pau Khan Tung 

 Position : Lecturer (Tedim)

Subject : Web Design and Basic Programming

Quote : “Only walking a straight path between the best and the weakest by self-will is a solid path.”

Man Sian Muang 

Position :  Lecturer (Tonzang)

Subject : Data Analytics

Quote : “Let your light shine before people.”

Niang It Nuam 

Position : Lecturer (Tedim)

Subject : Data Analytics 

Quote : “Ride the wave or let it take you down. The choice is yours.”

Niang Sian Lun 

Position : Lecturer (Tedim)

Subject : Graphic Design

Quote : “You are what you do,
not what you say you will do.”

Man Khan Nuam

Position : Lecturer (Tonzang)

Subject : Graphic Design

Quote : “Thoughts that make you happy are the thoughts that keep you healthy.”


Kham Suan Kim

Position : Lecturer (Tedim)

Subject : A+ and Networking

Quote : “Embrace technology as a tool to unlock your potential and create a path towards endless possibilities.”


Laang Lam Thawn

Position : Lecturer (Tedim)

Subject : Basic Computer and Digital Literacy 

Quote : “Maybe you have to know the darkness before you can appreciate the light.”

(Madeleine L’Engle)


Cing San Vung

Position : Lecturer (Tonzang)

Subject : Basic Computer and Digital Literacy 

Quote : ” There are no regrets in life, just lessons and learned.”